Saturday, July 24, 2010

One Room One Gor

Ok so I hear MANY FW are against this room? Some say is it because a few select FM have a list with FW on it that they want in the collar. Ok well I am almost positive I would have been on that list as radical as I am and being the troublemaker I have been called, but guess what ya’all? Why I went in that room with Vexin, and we role-played are arses off and no one collared me! Vexin was not collared either and hell she has been called almost as big a troublemaker as me! Here is why we were not collared… We as FW knew our places and acted accordingly. We didn’t run our mouths, we didn’t sass the Men present, and oh My yes there were indeed Free Men present who indeed would have had the balls to slap our necks in iron should we have stepped out of line!

I think this room is indeed actually a good idea, I think though so is the two room idea as well, One for North, One for South… But, I think first we should start in the One Room, BUT, not for 30 days, just 2 weeks. Now before You go getting Your panties in a bunch listen or in this case, read My reasoning why.

Many people like Me is NOT from Old MSN Gor, and while I have been in the Gor lifestyle off and on since 1996, it was first through AOL Gor, (dice rolling style of fighting) yahoo Gor, with a few other places in between before I found Buzzen, so I do not know all of You on either Buzzen or GCN and will admit I can be a bit leery going into a roomful of people I do not know. One Room, One Gor for 2 weeks would remedy that situation as well as weed out a few who most likely shouldn't be there. I.e.; duelers ect. And then after that 2 weeks, open 2 more rooms one being for the North and one being for the South and run all three with No Zones for 30 days before anyone tries branching out on their own into a individual Home again. 8 million homes with just 2 people in them are retarded, or a Home filled with 8 people, but all are of that Home, no visitors to serve, nothing but chores to do and serving the same Free over and over to the point where people get bored with the role-play and end up leaving…

The time for change again is here… or Gor will just go away because of lack of people.
They are bored and want change… stop being sticks in the mud, Gor was not about safety or fairy tale lives, it was Gor, harsh and some times very cruel, but wow it was never boring! So what if some FM collars You because You could not keep a civil tongue in Your mouth, as a slave, you will lean, and as a Gorean You would honor that collaring as is only right, if it isn’t right, well then the Men from Your group of peoples better fight for you, or else be a Woman with big enough chesticles to honor what most likely Your mouth got you into and accept the collar You could have avoided by acting right. FW are Free, only because Men allow them to be.

Now, shall We role-play?


  1. When Honor, Respect and Loyalty again are Gorean Values Then Gor will Gor. In Last Few Years I have watched Those traits collapse on Gor with People's complaint.

    Castes are not leraned in each Life any Longer I haven't seen a Newly training, Warrior in Years barely any in the Scribes, Builders or Phys as Well. Why People have gotten Complacent thinking Oh I did that before I don't need to or They didn't train so Why should I. A new life Means that a New Life not a remake of the Last one with a new name and a slightly different persoma.

    Recover Those Things and Gor Might grow again till then its well its the joke We let it become.

  2. I do not know who You are who posted the first comment, but Amen and Thank You..

    Recently I was Freed, and guess what, I have choosen the route I want to learn and grow in, though it isn't an actual caste per say because this group of peoples did not have castes...

    So... I am looking for ANYONE of the Tuchuck People who can teach me their ways, they seem to fit Me and My personality best. That and I want to be a Sooth Sayer ... Either that or I head back North as I do know those ways indeed very well and would make one hellava Rune Reader

  3. Greetings, I am relatively new to Gor (4 years) and I have read most of the books. For me it was not the Scribe nor the Builder, Merchants nor the PHY, nor the Warrior nor the (shudders) Initiates that interested me. I found that if you truly read the books there IS a subculture that most if not all ignore.

    Huh some of you will say...tell me...if not for the simple farmer where would food come from? You Warriors...would you be strutting about if you had no Axe or Sword or spear to carry at your side?

    That is why I trained as a Blacksmith. Yes a blacksmith. So few out there who know the true meaning of the Hammer, anvil, metal. I trained under my Akab Damion. I studied everything I could get my hands on. And when it came time to show the people of Gor that I KNEW my caste, I r/ped it as if I was there in the Forge. Sweating, arms flexing with each hammer blow. The smell, taste and feel of the structure came to life in my words.

    I agree we must Train...we must set up places where one can go and LEARN..the axioms of the Red. How to record information and carry the tales of the people as those of the blue do...
    All of the castes should train their people...not just one day pop in and say..."oh look a sword me big warrior kill...." or "Oh you are bleeding let me put a band aid on this..."
    We ALL need to understand what it is to BE what we chose to BE. To understand the laws, honor and respect that each of the five as well as those who wish to be simple shop keepers or blacksmiths or fisher folk..There isn't one school of training...we do not need ONE Master to train...we who have been taught can train new people...if we but take the time and have to patience to do so. We also have to remember that some of the castes are bread into us...seamstress, baker, farmer,etc. We learn at our fathers side or our mothers side. We live these things in r/l as well as in Gor...So not all things need to be taught in a school or under ONE Master. (Hear me Bashir?)

    We also have to remember one Important thing...

    Honor and Respect the keys to Gor. When a Free Woman enters the hall or chamber (for us of the cities and towns.) Stand up and greet. Warriors when you enter the Hall of you people and your leader is there...thump your chest three Respect of Him. HONOR....RESPECT...

    As for the one room one Gor...I am leery of it...I am a Hold Jarl...I have worked hard in creating a place for people to come, relax, r/p (another thing that seems to be dying..the art of r/p)and little drama...which seems to be meat and bread for some. Will I lose my home to the council that might be set up? Will I and my People truly have a say on what is and is not to be excepted? This idea must be proven to me that it me how it will be put together, who will lead it?

    Pamela ...I thank you for letting me express my self...and as for a rune reader...aye...I have not met one ....smiles...

    I am Quan, Hold Jarl of Green Hall Landings

  4. In real life for those who do not know... I am indeed fall in as Soothsayer and Rune Reader, as well as some Scribing and Tarot Reading in there...
    I practice these; nay I truly live these ways in real life. I am what if one must be classified, a Green Witch, hence My wanting and feeling the call of the Tuchucks, though the Torvaslanders do follow a close second as both follow the ways much like Mine!

  5. I've enjoyed r/ping with you Pamela. We went to the no zone room in buzzen and r/ped some tonight. Learned of some past histories of our current characters to learn each other. It was a nice night of r/p.

    Good to have met you, Pamela!


  6. I have r/p'd in that room the past two nights and must say I have thoroughly enjoyed it and have taken great pleasure in meeting a few new Goreans. It was indeed a lovely 2 nights, and again the pleasure was Mine in meeting you Jolieene and running into keely once more.

  7. To bad the room didnt work out...
    It was fun...
